Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Dance Means To Me.

I have been dancing ever since my father showed me a Micheal Jackson music video when I was young.  Ever since then I have been trying to perfect his moves and be just as great as dancers as he was.  At Weddings I would dance for just the pure enjoyment of it when I was younger.  As middle school came around so did middle school dances, finally a place where I could showcase my skills and have an actual outlet for my dancing.  Middle school turn into high school and came more dances which I enjoyed even more while trying to become a more developed dancer.  But after high school there isn't much for a dancer who only dances as a hobby to dance and I feel I have had to suppress my dancing because of it.  But as my emotions build up over time I feel I must dance.  Dance for me is one way to express my anger, happiness, sadness, and all the other millions of feelings I feel throughout the day.  Sometime its triggered by a song that inspires me.  Or the people and friends I surround myself with or even other people that I see through out the day.  I can see someone and get the urge to go dance with them and I can see a whole routine that we perform for everyone in the food court. But I don't because obviously that could never happen.  Its things that this that keep me hoping that I can do something with my dance, even if its just to get a smile out of the room especially from the pretty girl.
Lately I have been filming some of my freestyle sessions.  Once I figure out how to get them on the laptop I'll put some of the videos up.
Thanks for listening.

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